Wednesday, February 2, 2011

First Degree Murder by Brightness Masolo

Floodwater falls to the ground,
Their source-a pair of glassy pupils;
Head buried low, is wrapped in a clumsily tied scarf,
The owner-a haggard hag sits on,
A tattered bag full of nothing but,
Bloody-stained clothes!

Haunted by the decaying corpse,
Reminiscences of the dagga clotted with blood;
The sight-now a tourist attraction for flies,
Not just any ordinary but the big Gurus,
The choking smells of rot diffuse from the,
Bloody-stained clothes!

Now conscious,tastes the last of freedom,
Her fate-eternal life behind iron cells;
At least its better than being a punching bag,
Who can blame her after being one for centuries?
Immaculately she turns herself in with evidence of,
Bloody-stained clothes!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Withered Rose by Salem Truter

An open door beside her,
Transparent through the glass-
rivers of living waters ooze
down her cheeks,
with a smile but no happiness
Transparent through the glass
mine eyes behold,as time ticks,
beauty non as seen-as gorgeousness fades,
beneath her as she seats,
a bag full of withered roses .
Ancient not of this time.

Time has no regrets,
but its crime one can tell she never forgets.
Always holding back,
she watches hopelessly each time-
with her hands on her bag
and her backside on top of them both.

The woolen cloth on her head,
invented centuries before my existence,
blinds mine eyes from seeing her beauty.
The dust on her lashes
blinds her vision and that of the
innocent butterfly in her big cocoon.
What will it inherit,
but the the tattered bag
and the bus terminus
She has turned into her private suit.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Rejected Feelings by Providence Shumba

A bus is leaving...
left behind is a woman grieving.
Her dark face is wrinkling,
but only yesterday she was teething.
The thick dark smoke left by the bus aggravates her rejection.
Rejected... That’s all she's feeling.

Looking down beneath her feet,
a tattered bag, in it only a sheet.
The sun with its unrelenting heat,
dry's up the tears on her cheeks
leaving long white streaks.

If only she had listened to her mum,
she wouldn’t be stuck with a fatherless son.
All she wanted was a bit of fun,
but now she has none!

What could she do to evade this feeling?
Well, she could try going home
but the road back home is filled with shameful regret
Rejected... That’s all she's feeling.